1964 Fender Twin Reverb (pre CBS)…this amp is in everyone’s top ten list of great amps.

1964 Fender Vibro Champ

1961 Ampeg B15N… THE bass sound on countless records

Divided by 13 FTR37… probably my favorite amp. hand built by Fred Tacone in LA.

Bad Cat Hot Cat 30… high gain with attitude

Top Hat King Royale… a Vox AC-30 clone

Dr. Z Carmen Ghia… two knobs, volume and tone. What else could you need?

2003 Bogner Shiva… Marshall-like tone but clear and solid on the low end.

Victoria 45410… an exact replica of a Fender ’59 Bassman.

1996 Ampeg Super Jet

Mesa Boogie Mark IV

Tech 21 Trademark 60…this is my only solid state amp…